Saturday, May 4, 2013

Exciting Contest~

So I know this is incredibly  dorky of me but I won third place in a DIY contest and I'm Super Excited about it!

The DIY Lampshade made it to Third Place in The Attics DIY Contest!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Painting For Brother

 Ok... So I am a painter( my actual profession is Set Design and Painting for the Theater)

          Below is a Painting I did for my big brother. It is inspired by the short story  The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. The pattern was the hardest part I made the stencil twice out of cardboard before I  wised up and cut it out of plastic!  Over all I am happy this the piece.


“There are things in that wallpaper that nobody knows about but me, or ever will.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

My First Craft Show

This past December I teamed up with my good friend Syd and we participated in our FIRST craft chow 

Here are some Photos from the event

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

DIY Wine Stopper

Todays DIY is drawer pull Wine Stoppers. I made a batch of these for my cousins bridal shower and they were a big hit!! 

What you will need:
1. Old or new Drawer Pull
2. Tapered Cork 
(I got a bag of 25 at a brewing store for $5 Size 8 is the standard wine bottle size) 
3. Bolt Cutter 
4. Drill
5. Super Glue

First Size up your Pull with your cork 

Second cut off the threaded part of the pull about halfway up 
(you don't want it the drill all the way though the cork) 

Third Pre drill half way through the cork 

Finally Screw your drawer pull into the cork and add super glue to the base 


Sunday, April 21, 2013

DIY Mason Jar Sippy Cup

What you will need:
1. Mason Jar
2. 3/8th Drill Bit 
3. Metal file 
4. Rubber Grommets 

Clean Mason Jar 

Drill a hole with you 3/8th inch drill bit
File down all sharp edges 

Insert rubber grommet into hole
It is easiest to slide in one half at a time 

Add straw and fun decorations!!! 


Friday, April 19, 2013

DIY Photo Strip Lamp Shade!!

Really simple and Easy

            Film Negatives
            Transparency Paper
            Mod Podge
            Flat Lampshade
1.     Find film negatives you like and lay them out. I used multiple strips I found in a thrift store. But you can use your own to make it personal!
2.     Lay out the images you like and Photocopy them into a JPEG
3.     In Photoshop( or any photo editing program) Copy and paste the images you like into strips
4.     Then Place strips into a Word Document and print on Overhead transparency paper( You can get this at Staples or Office Depo)
5.     Cut out strips  and Mod Podge onto a flat Lampshade!  I chose white but you can choose any color you like. The darker the color the harder it is to see the images!
6.     Once dry I added gems around the top and bottom to give it a more finished look

Thursday, April 11, 2013