Friday, April 19, 2013

DIY Photo Strip Lamp Shade!!

Really simple and Easy

            Film Negatives
            Transparency Paper
            Mod Podge
            Flat Lampshade
1.     Find film negatives you like and lay them out. I used multiple strips I found in a thrift store. But you can use your own to make it personal!
2.     Lay out the images you like and Photocopy them into a JPEG
3.     In Photoshop( or any photo editing program) Copy and paste the images you like into strips
4.     Then Place strips into a Word Document and print on Overhead transparency paper( You can get this at Staples or Office Depo)
5.     Cut out strips  and Mod Podge onto a flat Lampshade!  I chose white but you can choose any color you like. The darker the color the harder it is to see the images!
6.     Once dry I added gems around the top and bottom to give it a more finished look

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